Tokapelli Speaks!

Tokapelli Speaks!, strives to provide biting political criticism and diverse social commentary through a profoundly simple, yet highly philosophical outlook. Come, Celebrate Freedom, Peace, Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness! Let Tokapelli be your guide. ~PEACE

Friday, November 05, 2004

Why... Why... Why?!!!!

Why is it that ANY electronic voting machines were accepted as valid, this or ANY year?
What a scam, maam.
Sure it saves trees not having a RECEIPT, but... why not use HEMP paper receipts?
Why... Why... Why...
Why is it that honest AMERICAN CITIZENS are being treated like convicted CRIMINALS?
What a shame; lame.
The BORDERS are wide OPEN... ILLEGAL ALIENS no longer exsist... now it is undocumented immigrants that SEND most of their EARNINGS out of the country... while bleeding the WELFARE systems and EMERGENCY room funding dry.... Why?
Sad... so sad dad.
Why did TORTURE... even take place? What a DISGRACE. A slap in the FACE... to US all.
This COUNTRY used to believe in GOD... in You REAP what You SOW. No More; Just War?
Why? Why? Why?
When did WE make the CHANGE from Liberty to a fleeting FLOCK of frightened SHEEPLE? Cowed-Towed and HERDED... beaten and bantered by a Bully and his SIKUM dogs.
Remember that the next time you hear some beady eyed politician from either side of the bogus fence of FASCISM... verbally verifying their whole-hearted endorcement of the AGE OLDE TRADE... Liberty for SSecurity. REMEMBER.

NO Pirates for President! Should be on everyones tongues. SSecrecy has NO place in AMERICAN Political Positions. None Whatsoever. The President Swears an Oath to Uphold the Constitution... Not Some Icky Society, that lurks in the shadows like the GERM on the back of the FLEA on the back of the COCKROACH on the back of the RAT... eyeing YOUR food.
ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh icky!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wake up! please? OK? Hello? Helo? Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeelllloooooooo?!!! Are you there, America?

No? OK.




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