Tokapelli Speaks!

Tokapelli Speaks!, strives to provide biting political criticism and diverse social commentary through a profoundly simple, yet highly philosophical outlook. Come, Celebrate Freedom, Peace, Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness! Let Tokapelli be your guide. ~PEACE

Wednesday, November 24, 2004

DUPLICIT-US Amend Not the Constitution

Has America gone insane?!! We the PEOPLE should Amend Our CONSTITUTION, so that some Actor... some OLD Bodybuilder... a known Groper... A Foreign Born Cigar Smoking Dual Citizen of Austria!!! Who's biggest claim to Fame is pretending to be things he is not. Things like friggin' Cyborg Killin' Machines bent upon the destruction of Humanity, or how about a Thieving Barbarian? Oooh... what if these things aren't so pretend? Hey Arnie!! Do You Already Have Your Chip Implanted? Is it in your nose... like in that one show? You know... the one like ALL the others! Shoot! Gosh Darn it! I can't seem to remember the name. Oh well. Just a fleeting moment in time anyway. Hair today gone tomorrow. Tinsel Town just couldn't fulfil a lifelong dream of ruling the world. 2nd best. Will ruling America, eventually become 2nd best, too? Now We Need Dee Wurrrld!

Hmmmm, lemme tink 'bout dat. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Nope! Real Simple. Specially 'cause Ya'll gonna hafta 'mend the MAIN body 'o the CONS-TEE-TUTION... not just some 'mendment made 12 'mendments after the BILL 'O Rights! No Siree Do Bob! or Arnold or Henry or any other Ambitious Outlanders! There's reasons why them wise souls what broke from Tyranny so long ago, made it like that! They was walkin' in the Spirit 'O Liberty... Cap n Stick All the Way! Don't Tread on Me! and all that. Was it jist the Spirit of the Times... or a Timeless Spirit?

Tokapelli thinks the Outlandish Austrian should go back to Austria and be Furher or whatever they call it. You could couldn't you Arnie? You were born there... right? You still hold a dual Citizenship... don't you? Can any American become leader of Austria? Hmmm...

Wake Up AMERICA!!!

Before it's too late.



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