Tokapelli Speaks!

Tokapelli Speaks!, strives to provide biting political criticism and diverse social commentary through a profoundly simple, yet highly philosophical outlook. Come, Celebrate Freedom, Peace, Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness! Let Tokapelli be your guide. ~PEACE

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Police State Hits Close To Home

Recently it came to Tokapelli's attention that one of his closest family members has come under attack by the nuveau terra ordo police state.

These Black Clad Bastards - Dressed like Darth Vader - forced their way into his home with no warning and no warrant. They then systematically looted his house & deprived him of many of his possessions. They failed to catalog the items they STOLE from him - even though it is state law to do so. They handcuffed him to a bench in his backyard for over 2 hours while they broke things and looted his house - like the EVIL pirates that they are. He is Diabetic - They withheld his medication in jail - They fed him crappy food & are now trying to get him COMMITTED to a State Hospital in order to keep him from a Fair & Speedy Trial.

After 4 days he was finally able to post the UNREASONABLY High Bail set by a CORRUPT Judge. Upon returning home & commencing the clean up of his shattered life - he was struck by an image he saw lying upon the ground. It was one of the AMERICAN Flags that he sells at various events - crumpled & abandoned with a clearly visible Boot Print upon it. Wow These Police Thugs sure Love their country - don't they?

What the HELL has happened to this country? WAKE UP PEOPLE!!! The police no longer Protect & Serve or uphold the CONSTITUTION - instead they enforce unjust & UN-CONSTITUTIONAL Laws passed by a TRAITOROUS Congress - Signed by a Booby Headed President.

We hear ALL the time that "it's a different world after 9/11" - Yeah well it was a different world after Hitler torched the Reichstag too.

Most Police have become little more than New World Order attack dogs - being sicumed on the American people. Most Police have never even read the Constitution & even think that those who try to uphold it are somehow insane or terrorists. So... to all of the corrupt police who may be reading - just remember - that we all eventually reap what we sew & you Dickheads are sewing nothing but TYRANNY. How long will it be until YOUR wife or daughter is GROPED at an airport or Cavity searched at an UNCONSTITUTIONAL Roadside Checkpoint? How long will it be before one of your sons is thrown in PRISON for using the drugs that the SPOOKY U.S. Gov has brought in to the country. How long until YOU are sent upstream by a Shadowy informants "tip" - You ought to be ashamed of yourselves.

These Fascist Piggy's are selling OUR Whole Country out for a fleeting dash of Greed Fueled power -PATHETIC. They should be gate keepers of the CONSTITUTION - not doormen for a sleazy New World Order Speakeasy. Do they REALLY think it will never be their turn to burn? They are no better than school yard bullies shaking down kids for their milk money. SHAME on ALL evil, lying, corrupt Cops - hiding behind Unjust Laws!

Please help Tokapelli's Downtrodden Brother by clicking the Flag link & supporting yet another AMERICAN Trampled Underfoot by the Jack Booted Police State.

Thank You & Be Blessed.

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