Tokapelli Speaks!

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Tuesday, October 18, 2005


Bush, Oil & The American Way.
Wake Up America! You Thought That Getting AFGHANISTAN Would Bring Home Cheap Natural Gas - Instead There Is A HUGE Leap In POPPY Production. Others Get The Gas - Your Sons & Daughters Get Addicted To Heroin. Way To Go! Score One For The BUSH Cartel! Woo Hoo. Guess They Don't call Duhbya's Dad "Poppy" Bush For No Reason Or Do They, Hmmm?
The BUSH Family Has Always Profited From War - Going At Least As Far Back As W's Grandaddy Prescott.
Search For Yourselves. The Info Is Abundant With Many Many Cross References.
Our President Is A Pirate - A Pirate of The Wurst Kind. One Who Does Not Respect Honor, Integrety, Chivalry or Even The Basic Code of Pirates. No This Pirate Is Only Out For A Few Basic Things - Booty, Blood, Power, Domination & Etc.
Bush Does Not Have Your Best Interests In Mind or Heart.
Wake Up America!
Then Get The Tee Shirt or Gift.


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