Tokapelli Speaks!

Tokapelli Speaks!, strives to provide biting political criticism and diverse social commentary through a profoundly simple, yet highly philosophical outlook. Come, Celebrate Freedom, Peace, Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness! Let Tokapelli be your guide. ~PEACE

Saturday, July 24, 2004

Tokapelli production Press Release

On Sunday July 25 Tokapelli's First Press Release Will be let out of the gate, to run with the wind and kick up some dust. Here is what it will read like. More or Less.

What the Yale is Going On?! Kerry is Scary and Bush… well, Bush is Still Smirkin’!

Tokapelli productions is a cutting edge online political T-shirt shop, currently chewing through the Bi-Partisan fat to gnaw on the Bones and Skulls of those who may be planning the policy of this Great Nation in $ecret. With dozens of anti-Bush, anti-Kerry,anti bi partisan designs to choose from... there is something for virtually everyone who has a political opinion. Tokapelli embraces Freedom, Liberty, and most definitely the Pursuit of Happiness. A rugged individual Tokapelli strives to teach, even as He entertains.

Everywhere, USA(PRWEB) July 25, 2004 -- This year Presidential Politics is proving to be like no other before. Just look at the Phenominal results attained by Howard Dean and . Both are unpresidented fundraising success stories, working mostly through the world wide web at a grass roots level. Tokapelli, realizing this trend is not a fad has decided to jump on the Bandwagon, unleashing His whit and whimsy upon the unsuspecting politicos across the land.

Now, teaming with, Tokapelli productions has launched the 2004 presidential T-shirt campaign initiative. Tokapelli, taking a decidedly non partisan stance has created some of the web's funniest and most informative T-shirts of this political season. Tokapelli's philosophy is... Be Heard! Not Herded.

Tokapelli also knows what Decades under the Federal Reserve and Bi-Partisan Politics has done to the economy and to your pocket book, so Tokapelli has arranged with the T-shirt Powers-That-Be to provide, all the way up to the November 2 Presidential Election, a wide variety of some of the web’s best independent political commentary, served up on 100% Cotton T-shirts in sizes s-xl for only $9.99 and political buttons as low as $.99 cents per piece. In Summary,

Tokapelli would like to remind you that this election 2004 there's no better way to get your Pro Freedom, Independent Messages out to the Masses than a quality T-shirt, political button or bumper sticker.

# # #

There You Have it! Click here to check it out: Tokapelli




Friday, July 23, 2004

Political Buttons and Magnets Now Available

Tokapelli wanted to let you know that you can now get Super Cool Political Buttons and Magnets from: TOKAPELLI 

The Buttons have some of THE Most Cutting edge designs available on the internet printed on them.  Anti-Bush, anti-kerry, anti-skull and bones, as well as pro medical marijuana and non-partisan messages.

Check 'em out! Only at Tokapellli.... Quality anti-pillage apparel and more!

Thursday, July 22, 2004

Some Very Special Links and Search Word Ideas

Tokapelli would like to share some links with you:
Well, there are a few Quality links to get you started. Particularly the first three. Check 'em out!
Learn about this stuff and get active! Freedom is NOT a Spectator sport. Get involved. America Would Never Have Been... Had it not been for Individuals Getting Knowledgeable... Then Getting Active!
America has been being $ecretly systematically looted. For Decades. Now the Pirates Grow Bold. Positioned in Key Places of Power... Those who would $ale AMERICA Down$tream... Are Actively Establishing Control Systems... To Protect What They Have Taken!
We as a PEOPLE Must Demand ACCOUNTABILITY!!! Demand Explanations!!! Demand a Return To The Bill of Rights!!! We Must Educate Ourselves... So We Know The Right Questions To Ask!!!
What is FEMA? Does FEMA Have Camps? What is RFID?  
Are there really Implantable Microchips? Did George W.  Bush's Grandfather really trade with the NAZI's? What is Skull and Bones? Who are the Bildeburg's? What is Eugenics?
Why not Electronic Votes? What is the Federal Reserve?
What is the NWO?
That's the Tokapelli Primer for the day!