Tokapelli Speaks!

Tokapelli Speaks!, strives to provide biting political criticism and diverse social commentary through a profoundly simple, yet highly philosophical outlook. Come, Celebrate Freedom, Peace, Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness! Let Tokapelli be your guide. ~PEACE

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Three Line Rhyme

Bush Beats The War Drum
While Acting So Dumb
Yet Smirking With Such Glee
He's Having Such Fun
In The Hot Iraq Sun
With Sand Instead of Trees
He Gets To Be King
By Dancing When Scene
& Hiding His Dis-ease
Do You Get The Feeling
For Bush There's No Ceiling
In All The 7 Seas
He's Going For Broke
That Twice Bred Bloke
His Team's As Busy As Bees
With Mirrors & Smoke
& Money From C oke
& Nazi Philosophy
A Merry-Go-Round
Of Neocon Sound
Propoganda Free
& Free Speach Zones
Wiretapped Phones
& All Their Hidden Fees
So Question Our Leaders
& The Readers of Meters
Then Follow The Money!

No Choice But The Rabbit Hole

No Choice But The Rabbit Hole
copyright 2006 ~ Tokapelli
The Bushees Walk With Pep
Without Watching Where They Step
Following Their Leader
Even As The Todderz Teeder
Torture's Fine & Bush Divine
Domestic Spying Is OK
So Don't Whine - Just Bend Your Spine
Goose Stepping All The Way
You Think You Have The Right
To Make U.S. live Your Way
When Your The Thieves In The Night
Stealing Our Rights Away
You Force Your Views
Into Our Lives
With New World News
While Groping Our Wives
Your Jealous Of Our Freedom
Because You Sold Your Souls
When You Stopped Believin'
In Good So Long Ago
& Because Your Willing
To Kick & Bite & Scream
& Sometimes Even Killing
You've Floated Just Like Cream
The Chief, The House, The Judge To Boot
A Thief A Mouse & Pirate Loot
A Country Divided While Being Blindsided
By A Cleanshaven Face A Tie & A Suit
Wake Up America!
Why Do You Sleep?
Have We All Become
Scared Little Sheep?
Or Are We All Just Fattened Up?
Right Before The Slaughter
Fertalizers In Our Cup
To Thicken Up The Fodder?
Cuz To Them We Are Numbers
At Best & Chattle At The Least
For Dumb Men Who Slumber
Are Food Fed To The Beast
So Speak The FUCK UP!
You Pathetic Spectator
Don't Be Such A Pup
Stand Up To Bush Vader!
Speak Up To The Bankers
Speak Up To The FED
& All Of The Wankers
Who Wish We Were Dead!
For It's Now Time To Stop
Stop Being A Slave
To Start Living FREE
By Being More Brave!
~ Tokapelli