Tokapelli Speaks!

Tokapelli Speaks!, strives to provide biting political criticism and diverse social commentary through a profoundly simple, yet highly philosophical outlook. Come, Celebrate Freedom, Peace, Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness! Let Tokapelli be your guide. ~PEACE

Saturday, December 17, 2005

When Bush Comes To Shove

Georgie Porgy Puddin' Pie - Raped A Country - Then Watched It Die - Do You Think That George Will Cry - Or Even Sigh - We Know He'll Lie - At Least He'll Try - But Will That Fly - Buy & Bye - Just Suck US Dry - What A Guy - He's Two Ply - A Pig & The Stye - He Aint Shy - Torture & Spy - He's On The Fly - Fly George Fly - Into The Ointment Without An Appointment - Did You Come To Play - Are You Here To Stay - Dissapointment Day After Day - Georgie Porgy More Than Kissed - He Raped Liberty & Then He Pissed - On US & You - The World Too - & Then He Shat Upon Our Shoes - Georgy Porgy Shame On You - You Bonny Eyed Boner - Loner & Loser - Ex Stoner & Boozer - Picker & Chooser - Killer of Men - With Strokes of a Pen - Again & Again - What Sort of Brain - If Not One Insane - Will "DEMOCRACY" Holler - For a No Bid Dollar - & A New Country To Drain - You Talk About GOD - In Public You Fraud - Which God? Name A Name! - You've Gone Too Far - To Turn Back Now - You're Stickin' Like Tar - To Your Fat Cash Cow - But Not Cash Alone - Cuz Your Cash Is Free - It Don't Grow On - It IS The Tree - Paper Is The Ultimate Caper - At Least Up To Date - Seal Your Fate - Slavery Based In Faith - In Greed In Lust & In War - Snore. An Olde Story Far Shore - Want More? Bankers Are Wankers - Wanking The World - Like A Naughty Boy - With A Sleeping Girl - Shame On You All - Your Money - Your Crime - Your Crumby Welfare Dime - Your Wars & Your Whores - Your Chores & Your Floors - Your Walls & Your Stalls - Did You Have A Good Time? - Your Locks & Your Talks - Your Cunts & Your Cocks - Your Lies & Your Lust - Your Laws & Your Trusts - Your Nipped & Tucked Tummies - Your Inflated Busts - You Dumb Fucking Dummies - Your Simply NonPlussed - & Whom Do You Serve - When Never You Swerve - From Your Course Full of Force? - Broad Base At The Bottom - Tip At The Top - The Source - The Eye In The Sky - The Trinity - The Trust - If It's Really GOD - Why Your Affinity For Lust? - Consolidate Conglomerate Facilitate Spread Your Hate - Defecate The Declarate - Exfoliate Then Celebrate - Till It's Too Late - Stew pid Pyrates - Learn Before You Burn - To Eminate - LOVE not Hate - When It's Your Turn - With The World On Your Plate!

GOD Save The Good.
