Tokapelli Speaks!

Tokapelli Speaks!, strives to provide biting political criticism and diverse social commentary through a profoundly simple, yet highly philosophical outlook. Come, Celebrate Freedom, Peace, Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness! Let Tokapelli be your guide. ~PEACE

Friday, December 10, 2004

Where did We go Wrong?

This morning finds me in a somewhat surreal mood...

I can't believe yet another knife stuck into the back of the American People, has come to pass.
I refer to the latest laws ushered into existance by a Congress who didn't even read the proposed bill. Actually... not a Law until Bush-eeee stops smirkin' long 'nuff ta sawn it. But Ya'll Kin Kount on 'im Doon Jist that!

I am thouroughly PISSED OFF!!!! At not only George W "smirkin' Chimp pimp" but at Congress. How can those who are SWORN to UPHOLD OUR CONSTITUTION even contemplate eroding it? Money? Power? Control? Demonic Possession? Do they think it's Funny?

Wake up Liberals!!! Wake up Conservatives!!!! Pull the Wool from Your Groogy Eyes and Realize that there are Wolves amongst the Flock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And Foxes too.

Shed Your CoDependent notions of a "Two" Party system. Ask some questions. Of Yourselves, Your Leaders, and your Media! Why do We the People allow ANYBODY affiliated with SECRET Societies become Leaders?! Secrets have NO place in American Politics!!!! Bush is a Pirate, Who belongs to an offshoot of an Olde Bavarian Secret Society that also uses the Death's Head as It's Logo. A Society which requires Oaths of it's Members... Oath's which SUPERCEDE any other Oath the FOOL may take the rest of His Life.

I contend that Skull and Bones has made it... It's business from the beginning to Usurp the Power from America... From Freedom, Liberty & Independence. These Boyz are in a race against the Clock of Death to get away with as much as they can before they die! & if living life to it's fullest means diminishing the quality of YOUR life... Well so be it! Arrogant Bastards... All!

Rise Up America! Demand Answers... Real Answers! Demand Accountability!! Get Your Fat Assed(& Elephants) up off that couch, turn off the Mighty Hypno Box and read a little History.
Study International Banking, Study what led up to Hitlers rise in Power, Learn about Self Sufficiancy, Learn about Tyranny throughout the ages.

A bigger Picture WILL emerge and then You will see that the SHIT has already hit the fan... and is currently landing on ALL of our dinner plates. If AMERICA falls to Tyranny, You can Kiss the rest of the world goodbye. Americans have been bombarded by a continual barrage of Media Persuasions... Emasculate the men, Women have your cake and eat it too, Children Bow down to Authority. FUCK THAT & FUCK THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

They can pass all of the GODDAMNED LAWS that they want... I Will Bow Down To NO Authority Less Than GOD The ALMIGHTY!!! I Believe in LIFE not DEATH. I belive in Cool Breezes, A clear blue sky, Stars at Night, a Childs Laughter... Breathing. I believe in all of these thing and more. I also believe the time grows short. Wake up America! Don't be CoDependent Pussie's Bowing Down to the "mighty" Leaders. Don't Sell Your Soul for SSecurity!!! Not Now... Not Ever!

Peace Be Upon You
