Tokapelli Speaks!

Tokapelli Speaks!, strives to provide biting political criticism and diverse social commentary through a profoundly simple, yet highly philosophical outlook. Come, Celebrate Freedom, Peace, Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness! Let Tokapelli be your guide. ~PEACE

Friday, November 26, 2004

Hey America... WAKE UP!!!

Come on America. Pull Your Heads out! Smell the Takeover.

How much longer will we put up with the stench of stale lies, pre-emptive strikes and the erosion of Our Constitution? How Long?!

Can't You smell the stink? at least a little bit? Even the strong spices of Heir Bush's propaganda machine, can't mask the little whiffs of putridity eminating from this fabricated... then inundated Federal Lie... We the People are supposed to buy.

Why did they ship away the steel from the twin towers? To China no less. Jet fuel burns at 1600 degrees F. Steel melts at 2800 to 3000 degrees F. That steel was EVIDENCE! The Federal Government has once again meddled in a crime scene, tampered with the evidence, and destroyed the scene of the crime.

They "pulled" building #7, you know. Pulled is a term used in demolition circles. You do NOT just "pull" a building on a whim. Days, if not weeks of meticulous planning and preparation are required... to make the building come straight down in a neat little pile. How did they "pull" building #7 on a whim?

How could our "elected" officials in Congress... officials who are sworn to uphold the Constitution, EVER sign off on the "Patriot Act"... without even reading it? How?!!

We are under ATTACK America and the "boogey Man" is NOT Osama Bin Butt-nugget.

Statistics show that when a child is molested... the culprit is usually someone the child knows... someone the child trusts. America has been Molested!!!

Wake up America!!! Before the molesters must feed their sick perversities again! Take it no longer! Let us heal our wounds and hold those who would stab us in the back... Accountable!

NOW... Not Later!


Thursday, November 25, 2004

BUSH... Haiku for You

Like a juicy onion's layers
George W Junior
Stings our eyes with lies

Creating Reality
Establishing Faith
Destabilising the world

Post 9/11... New World
Order a Pizza

Get in the system
Who's Watching the watchers. Who?
Watching what they do

watching what they say
Seeing how they plot & scheme
Moving Closer Now

To New World Order
To a sick & twisted dream
Control from Chaos

Echoes from the past
Bent on building a brand new
Reich... one that will last

Trading your freedoms
for Black clad Cops... endless war
Groping Airport Guards

And a Smirking Chimp
a whore for corporate pimps
Plug n Play Leader

Leading Happily
US all to Armegeddon
Smirking all the way

Neo-Conned America
Go Team Go! Mentality
To the Truth... Blinded

A Hollow Dollar
Inflated like the Egos
of D.C. Tyrants

Hallowed No More
Pays for... a paper
Tiger's... paper war

Our Rights Usurped
Osama Bin Boogey Man
C.I.A. Asset

Doing Dirty Work
Pouring Fuel on the fire
of a world ablaze

Painful Suffering
Karma coming home to roost
With evil unloose

But what can I do?
You ask with quivering voice
I don't have a choice

That's just what you think.
a choice can always be had
Put fire in your voice

Put Love in your heart
Smile... it does a world of good
Take it day by day

Prepare for the worst
but Live for the Best in Life
and remember... LOVE


Thanksgiving Thoughts

In Today's post 911 world, sometimes it seems as if things to be thankful for, are becoming diminished by the day. The Constitution has been continually under attack, since 911... should we be thankful for that? GOD bless America pasted on all of the SUV's along with a shoddy made in China, "American Flag". Should We be thankful that We the People have a Gadianton Robber Baron Boy as our leader? How about a never ending war on terror? A war in which the American Citizen is increasingly treated as the suspect terrorist. Guilty until proven innocent. Thanks George W. Thanks alot!


Wednesday, November 24, 2004

DUPLICIT-US Amend Not the Constitution

Has America gone insane?!! We the PEOPLE should Amend Our CONSTITUTION, so that some Actor... some OLD Bodybuilder... a known Groper... A Foreign Born Cigar Smoking Dual Citizen of Austria!!! Who's biggest claim to Fame is pretending to be things he is not. Things like friggin' Cyborg Killin' Machines bent upon the destruction of Humanity, or how about a Thieving Barbarian? Oooh... what if these things aren't so pretend? Hey Arnie!! Do You Already Have Your Chip Implanted? Is it in your nose... like in that one show? You know... the one like ALL the others! Shoot! Gosh Darn it! I can't seem to remember the name. Oh well. Just a fleeting moment in time anyway. Hair today gone tomorrow. Tinsel Town just couldn't fulfil a lifelong dream of ruling the world. 2nd best. Will ruling America, eventually become 2nd best, too? Now We Need Dee Wurrrld!

Hmmmm, lemme tink 'bout dat. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Nope! Real Simple. Specially 'cause Ya'll gonna hafta 'mend the MAIN body 'o the CONS-TEE-TUTION... not just some 'mendment made 12 'mendments after the BILL 'O Rights! No Siree Do Bob! or Arnold or Henry or any other Ambitious Outlanders! There's reasons why them wise souls what broke from Tyranny so long ago, made it like that! They was walkin' in the Spirit 'O Liberty... Cap n Stick All the Way! Don't Tread on Me! and all that. Was it jist the Spirit of the Times... or a Timeless Spirit?

Tokapelli thinks the Outlandish Austrian should go back to Austria and be Furher or whatever they call it. You could couldn't you Arnie? You were born there... right? You still hold a dual Citizenship... don't you? Can any American become leader of Austria? Hmmm...

Wake Up AMERICA!!!

Before it's too late.
