Tokapelli Speaks!

Tokapelli Speaks!, strives to provide biting political criticism and diverse social commentary through a profoundly simple, yet highly philosophical outlook. Come, Celebrate Freedom, Peace, Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness! Let Tokapelli be your guide. ~PEACE

Thursday, January 11, 2007

"America Tortures?!", Jesus Asks.

Tokapelli Asks, "Who would Jesus torture?" Do You Think Jesus Would Approve of George W Bush's Torturing Ways? Do You Think It Is a Christian Thing - To "Extremely Interrogate" Someone To The Brink Of Death. How About All The Way To Death? No... These Are Not The Ethics of Jesus.

As Above - So Below! Shame On YOU America! Shame On You For Allowing One Minute To Pass - Without Speaking Out - After You Knew Without A Doubt That Our Government Is Conducting TORTURE! Do You REALLY Think That Your Hands Don't Have Blood On Them Too? Karma WILL Come Home To Roost!

What a Shame. Liberty Came To America As A Beautiful Maiden, but Under Bush She's Become A Dirty Junky Turning Tricks, Stealing & Robbing - Just To Get Her Fix of Material Slop. She Lies & She Cheats, Crying "Look Over There!" While She Cuts Herself In Places People Can't See & It Ain't The Fault of Bush - but of You & Me. The World Is Full of Greedy Back Stabbing Poli-Ticks Like Bush. It's Up To The People With A Conscience To Keep Them In Check.

Perhaps That's What's Wrong - AMERICA Has Lost Her Conscience. The People Have Lost Their Morals. We've Traded Our Faith For a Handfull of Cheap Shiny Beads. We Persue Money At Any Cost. We Seek Entertainment At Every Turn. We Are Sheep Who Sleep & Washington DC Is Full of Wolves In Fine Woolen Suits.

America Professes To Have a Christian Ethic. WAKE UP!!! Words Mean Things. Most People Can't Even Come Close To Keeping The TEN COMMANDMENTS - Let Alone Take It Up To The Notch JESUS Scratched. In GOD We Trust On The MONEY? What A Nation of Bloomin' Hypocrits! Selfishly Persuing Entertainment While Mindlessly Waving Your Cheap Flag That Was Probably Made By SLAVES In China.

We Should ALL Be Ashamed. We Have Let This Sick Moral Decay Progress For Far Too Long. Liberty Is Nodding Off. Hey! Does Anyone Know CPR? Is It Easier To Be A Fat Slave - Comfortable In Your Cage - Than To Be Alive - A Little Bit Hungry Yet Eager For What Tommorrow May Bring?

The Bullies At The Top Disdain Us. Do You Know Why? Because We LET Them Hurt Us. We Willingly Give Up Our Flesh & Our Freedom For Their Shabby Excuse For Society. Sometimes It's Much Easier To Build A Wall Than It Is To Tear It Down.

Wake Up America and Change Your Ways - For The Day Does Indeed Grow Long.


Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Whatever Happened To IMPEACHMENT?!

This Blog goes out to all of the hoodwinked "Liberals" that truly believed that their Party of choice would protect and Serve them.


What the HELL is Pelosi doing - other than promotting a Globalist One World Agenda? What a shame that the first woman Speaker of the House is nothing more than a "YES" woman - a New World Order Schill - A sham if you will.

Tokapelli contends that Pelosi is actively promoting an agenda that not only leads to the Dems & Reps working together - but actually blending together into one Super State Party - FASCIST to the Corp. Pelosi KNOWS that the MAJORITY of Americans want out of Iraq & that most Democrats would LOVE to see both Bush & Cheney Impeached, Prosecuted & Punished for their more than blatant criminal activity. So what does she do? She goes on the record blah blah blahing about working together with the Republicans & emphatically stating that there would be NO impeachment hearings.

It's time to stop believing Democrats AND Republicans & start defending the CONSTITUTION. Be a TRUE Patriot & Break away from this corrupt 2 Party system that is nothing more than a clever ruse to distract & divide America! Stop thinking "Left & Right" then Start thinking "Freedom or Slavery" whenever you are weighing political issues.

Admit to youself that you have been duped & then get busy fixing this country, that has gone so far off track. Abolish the Federal Reserve & the IRS. Reinstitute the Bill of Rights. Defend OUR Borders. Clean House (and Senate) in Washington. TAKE THIS COUNTRY BACK.



Monday, January 08, 2007

NASCO - Divide & Conquer

Wake Up America! WAKE UP! We The People have been sold out by the very people we have trusted to safekeep the CONSTITUTION & all It stands for.

From the highest pinnacles of the whitest towers to the lowly levels of local Government We The People have been betrayed. It is NO longer OUR Government. The USA has been highjacked by decadance and greed. Wake Up! Wake Up! Wake Up!

It's True - A FOREIGN Corporation Owned Primarily by the King of Spain is planning on building a GIANT Highway straight up the gut of America. There will be a MEXICAN Customs Agency In Kansas City unloading cargo straight from China into the Heartland of America.

Bush is helping them. Congress is helping them. local governments are helping them. Tokapelli contends that this pack of Traitorous Politicians are nothing more than Fascist Hoes flipping tricks for The New World Order. They will use this Corridor to solidify their dream of a North American Union while simultaniously dividing the lower 48 into two neat pieces. Let's not even try to imagine what kind of horrific stuff could be unloaded in Kansas City.

It's time that We The People take OUR Country back! We need to cleanse Our Government. Perhaps set up a sort of Jury duty for Congressional seats. We need to get rid of all these GREEDY incumbents who do not care about you, me or the CONSTITUTION. We the People need to get back to the CONSTITUTION. We need to take the reigns of Government back into Our own hands - away from the bankers, away from the war mongers & death dealers!

Wake Up America! Wake Up! Wake Up! Wake Up!


Sunday, January 07, 2007

Public Private Partnership is just a fancy name for FASCISM

The recent sell off of Publicly held American assets such as roads, water treatment facilities, prisons and a vast array of other holdings sold to both American & Especially Foreign Corporations is most disconcerting.

These assets were originally bought and payed for by the AMERICAN taxpayer - but an increasingly beligerent Federal, State & local Governmental body doesn't seem to care. At least not about you or me. Tokapelli thinks perhaps they do care though... about lining their own pockets, selling America out to their Globalist Masters & serving their Lord Lucifer.

A sick rot has set in upon America. Slowly seaping from the inside out. The epicenter of this sickening stink starts with the Federal Reserve - a PRIVATELY owned corporation that has "special" powers to print $$$ out of thin air & then "Loan" it to We The People with intere$t attached. WHAT?!!! If that wasn't bad enough, these wanking bankers are held unaccountable. The Fed chair has stopped reporting how much money they print & they can change the interest rate ANY time they want. WOW.

Don't You that wish You could print your own $$$ & change the interest rates on loans anytime you wanted to.

Then you could take that toilet paper $$$ and use it to by up all the pretty things that you really like. You know, stuff like Land, Gold & Silver, Roads, Houses, various Businesses & especially political power. Things that have intrinsic value. Real assets. Then by the time the cat is out of the bag about the paper $$$ fraud - you will already OWN America & everything it holds dear. At that point - perhaps the unruly masses should be microchipped. After all it's more efficient. They can be tracked and traced. Fortunes can be granted or taken away at a whim electronically. Besides $$$ is heavy & dirty too.

As long as We The People put up with this in our face Fraud - The days will indeed grow darker.

