Tokapelli Speaks!

Tokapelli Speaks!, strives to provide biting political criticism and diverse social commentary through a profoundly simple, yet highly philosophical outlook. Come, Celebrate Freedom, Peace, Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness! Let Tokapelli be your guide. ~PEACE

Saturday, October 16, 2004

Can You Feel the LOVE?!

copyright 2004 TOKAPELLI productions

Can You Feel the LOVE?! Can You? A hard question for hard times. A question needing to be asked... a question begging to be answered. Honestly answered, for the time of "passing the buck" onto the leaders, needs to become "the buck stops here." Right Now. Right Here.
Do You think that the Bush Regime... is feelin' the LOVE?
Do you think MS Rice was "feelin' the Love" when she told the 911 commission that "nobody had ever thought about a plane hitting buildings before." Ms. Rice is also a smirker. What is it with the Bush Regime and the smirks? Is it because they are "in the know?" Ms. Rice... We The People... "feel Your LovE!"
Does John Ashcroft lie awake at night "feelin' the LOVE?" As he continues to rob & raid - sick & dying people, confiscating properties... confiscating lives! And For What Reason?! Presumably for smoking a GOD GIVEN GREEN HERB... MARIJUANA. Presumably, because marijuana is a "harmful" drug!!! Yeah Right. Tokapelli asks, "what harm is there... in a sick or dying person... trying to alleviate pain, elevate mood, and stimulate the appetite?" What harm Mr. Ascroft? Mr. Enforcer of "un-Just" Laws!!! "Feel that Bush Love!"
Dick Cheney is "feelin' the Love", all the way to the Bank. Dickey still gets mucho dinero from Halliburton every year! Severance pay? HAW!!! How about conflict of interest. How about Iraq, Mr. Cheney? Is it just because Halliburton is the only Company with the skills and manpower to "take on" Iraq? Is that why they received "special" No-Bid Contracts? Tokapelli can "feel" Your Love; Dick... & Dick You Are!
Tokapelli could definetely "feel the Love" eminating from the venerably smirking Donald Rumsfeld. The same Donald busily shirking questions about "torture", "WMD's", and "Saddam" just to name a few. From "shock n awe" to "smirk n shirk" in just a few short months! Pat yourself on the back, Donny!!! You can "feel that Love!" One more question Mr Rumsfeld, "Do You Ever See The EYES?" You Know... the eyes of the torture victoms or the eyes of shell shocked children? Shame on You Mr. Donald! Shame! Shame! and More Shame!
Do you think Tom Ridge "feels the LOVE" every time a SSecurity gaurd at a airport "feels" your spouses breasts or genitalia? How about the new machines that scan you... minus your clothes? Hey Tom, how 'bout cameras in the toilets? Forget about Santa Clause... Tom is the one who "knows" if you've been naughty or nice! And you can surely bet he'll be checking his list MORE than twice! INNOCENT AMERICAN CITIZENS can definetely "feel" that olde Love of Yours Tom! Can You Feel Theirs?
Hey Colin, Have you read any good term papers lately? Have you told any really - really good lies?! Haven't seen you much lately, Mr. Powell. Are you searching for your LOVE? Or are you simply basking in its afterglow? Perhaps you are charging your Love. Getting it in tip top shape for the next big pre-emptive push for freedom! You can't fool us Colin Powell! We know you can "feel the LOVE" real good!!! See You Soon.
We've all "felt' the LOVE" of C.I.A. Asset Osama Bin Laden haven't we? The Love of Radical extremists brought forth through insane foreign policy and corrupt governing entities. Hey Osama, Are You Feeling More Loved Now That OPIUM production in Afghanistan has skyrocketed!!! No More Pesky Taliban. No More Pesky LAWS!
Torture is NOT LOVE! Yet somehow the smiling faces of the gaurds at Abu Graeb seem to be expressing just that. How can somebody LOVE to torture? How do they joke about it? Did You see the smiles? Have you thought that maybe some of these "sick" bastards are coming back home soon? How many will become police or prison gaurds , working for HOMELAND SSECURITY? Are you "feeling the LOVE" yet? Or are you just afraid?
The most LOVE Reward is reserved for none other than George W. Bush; Resident (select) of the United States of America. The Homeland Despot. The Saddest Chad. The Smirkin' Chimp. Bush... there is absolutely NO question that most of the world has, can, and does indeed, "feel Your LOVE!" You squat little tyrant, with your beady little eyes, preemptively spreading your Love throughout the world! Shame on you Mr. Skull and Bones! Shame on You Mr. Guest Workers and open borders! Shame on you Mr. Patriot Act!!! Mr. Pray in Public. Mr. GOD made me do it! Mr. Bush Tokapelli can Feel Your LOVE... Everyone else can too.
If you like the random ramblings of TOKAPELLI... please, help support the effort by purchasing a quality T-shirt from thr Tokapelli online store. Thank You!

Thursday, October 14, 2004

The Song Remains The Same Olde Sh!t

With the third and final presidential debate having now commenced... Tokapelli can safely assert that indeed, The Song Remains The Same Olde Sh!t.

War, War, War! Homeland SSecurity! (illegal) Immigrant Worker Programs! Bio Metric Identification thrust upon our nation, and much much more.

Do You Want More? Have You Read the Patriot Act? Whatever happened to "innocent until proven guilty?" When did Police stop "protecting and serving" and start "enforcing" the "Law"?

Yeah - Yeah. It's a different "time" now. A different world. But a different you? A different me? I'm not so sure. Tokapelli wasn't for War before 911. Tokapelli isn't for War now. Tokapelli wasn't for a police state before 911. Tokapelli isn't for a police state now. Tokapelli believed in the CONSTITUTION of the UNITED STATES of AMERICA before 911 and even MORE now.

Both Kerry and Bush seem bent upon destroying the CONSTITUTION and this nations sovereignty. Bush, through pure USURPATION leading to a fanatical DESPOTISM and Kerry, through a bending over for the UNITED NATIONS and many other International Interests.

The Scripted Debates, made Tokapelli want to seek medication, simply to keep from vomiting. Tokapelli wants REAL questions and Real answers. Not more Sickening "catch phrases" and "rallying slogans". We need to get back to politicians who care about the "country" NOT corporate coffers and their fat wallets planted firmly beneith their even fatter
asses! (& elephants)

On a lighter note watch for Tokapelli's new(s) releases... coming soon! We will be creating a compelling 100% original piece of art to accompany each new(s) article as it is published. You will also be able to click on the pictures link and go to check out a super cool t-shirt for
under $10 bucks! The t-shirt will have the picture associated with the article. For a few bucks more you can get a t-shirt that has the picture on the front and the actual article printed on the back.

To all of the incredible people out there who have purchased a product from Tokapelli...
Thanks for all of your support! It is TRULY appreciated. It is hard to stay motivated... to keep up the "good" work... when you need $$$ to pay for virtually Everything these days.
Thanks Again!

Be Blessed.