Tokapelli Speaks!

Tokapelli Speaks!, strives to provide biting political criticism and diverse social commentary through a profoundly simple, yet highly philosophical outlook. Come, Celebrate Freedom, Peace, Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness! Let Tokapelli be your guide. ~PEACE

Sunday, October 17, 2004

Just Wanted To Speak...

Just wanted to speak...
From my heart to yours.
About those un-meak...
Who start all the wars.
To them you are cattle...
or maybe it's sheep.
The world; they rattle...
They prattle; then reap.
The ominous signs...
Spread through the land.
In perilous times...
LOVE held by a strand.
Beating their drums...
with sticks made of bones.
Best eat all your tums...
and prepare for the groans.
'Cause this war is on...
If you like it or not.
Where's Liberty gone?...
When war's all you've got.

A Slight Muse...

Awakened that Morning... by insect like drones of random tv reporters commenting on what had just happened. What indeed, was still happening.
Echoes of dirty laundry, permeating the scramble for the best... the brightest logo and the pithiest catch phrase. Repetetive fear mongering and finger pointing... the best game in town.
Glib reminders of a gluttoness society hell bent upon greed and self riteous instant gratification. a supermarket of lost souls seeking shiny chinese baubles. Glinting distractions reflecting a desire to acquire... a pretty thing at any cost, so long as it's on sale.
Cowboy leaders shouting "YEE HAW!" Round up a posse boys 'cause we know who the boogie man is! Cowboys from the state of Maine. Cowboys who went to Yale. Cowboys who are in essence... daddy's boys. A Cowboy who has all of the "swagger" & "bragger" yet is curiously lacking in the chivalrous "code of the west" dept.
Scenes of torture playing throughout the land. Sickening. Shameful. Turbaned panties and animal leashes. Angelic smiles... a thin venear... layering deceiptful shrouds of death. Spectres of fear and chaos. Beaten flesh... a pyramid of despair... clinging to a simple belief... even as worlds are shattered.
And the WAR goes on. and on. and on. Camo is big... and getting bigger. The coolest people all have some kinda gear with a camo print. Hmmmmm. Have you noticed kids toys? Cartoons? Gotta get 'um while their young... if'n y'all wanna hunert year war that iz! Has everyone gone nuts? Is this the America We were always told existed?
The Founding Fathers must be doing summersaults in their graves. Full on cartwheels! The Twist. Have We The People still not learned from history? Will we sit still idly watching as history is rewritten? It's coming. How long can you sit on the fence... when the fence is on fire? Grab a bucket... and help out, that's the American way. Put the fire out... then rebuild.
