Tokapelli Speaks!

Tokapelli Speaks!, strives to provide biting political criticism and diverse social commentary through a profoundly simple, yet highly philosophical outlook. Come, Celebrate Freedom, Peace, Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness! Let Tokapelli be your guide. ~PEACE

Friday, July 30, 2004

Hey Kerry, "Where's The Peace?"

Hey Kerry, "Where's The Peace?"
Well, after having sat through Senator "HEINZ/FORBES" Kerry's speach last night at the Demoncratic Convention, Tokapelli has many questions for the would be
"Commander in Chief".
The first of which is: Where's the Peace?!!!
Using terms like "Commander in Chief" sets a dangerous trend in motion.
Kerry is Scary!!!  He would create Tens of thousands of new "Special Forces".  What is their specialty? Urban Warfare? Torture? Toppling "Rogue Nations" (i.e. "Sovereign Nations"), Kidnapping American Citizens?
Kerry says he loves the Constitution, but did he mention the Totalitarian aspects of the Patriot Act(s)? Not a Chance!!! No. What Kerry mentioned was the need to strengthen the "Homeland". Another very Dangerous term. Kerry is Scary!!! Notice how some of the same "catch phrases" are flying out of the mouths of Bush and his "brother"(really cousins) in Bones, Kerry! Phrases like: "Commander in Chief", "Homeland", "SSecurity", "Rogue Nations", and more!
What a Joke! It is like a Big Soap Co. (P&G) owning 90% of the soap aisle but creating different "Brands" so that the unknowing consumer will have a "Choice" of products. The bipartisan System is a Sham! WAKE UP AMERICA!!! This so called "two party" system may be wrapped up in slightly different packages... different rhetoric, but the stink of shit remains the same!
Kerry is a Warmonger. Bush is a Warmonger. Skull and Bones is in the Bizness of recruiting Warmongers. Tokapelli wonders... hmmmm... what is the percentage of Skull n bones boyz who end up working in a government job? Key Government Jobs. Positions of REAL power. Hmmmmm??? Do you wonder too??? 
Tokapelli also wonders where Senator Kerry and his oh so charming wife keep their money invested? What kind of stocks? What charitable organizations? Tokapelli says, "Follow the Money!!!" Does Kerry do business with Saudi Arabia? Does Kerry have Communist Ties?
Does Kerry have a necklace made of Vietnamese ears? Can you ear me now?!!
Just a few of the simple questions bobbing around the inside of Tokapelli's mind.
What's in Your mind?